Next was my first time, all by myself service leading in church. Was rather nervous due to the miscommunication with the musicians during the last leading. Thankful that everything went quite well but I still need to control my speaking speed and also my shivering.
Next was the church camp recce that most of the camp comm have been looking forward to. Drove up to Sofitel with 3 cars. Really thank God that we came back safely and the recce was a fruitful and enjoyable one. Next thing to look forward to it the church camp coming December.
Next big thing that happened was my decision to leave the student care centre and take up Uncle Kwok Seng's job offer. Parting is never easy, during my last day at the centre, many of the kids asked me why am I leaving and asked me not to go. Thinking of the many kids who are so dear to me, and those kids who have family problem just make me heartache. I teared when I was sending the kids to school. I know the problems are there, but there is nothing much I can do. Finally, time to move on from the centre, worked there for about 5 months. Took up Kwok Seng's offer at Rediffusion, was given a post as Operations Executive. Haha.. First perm job, pray that things will go well and that I'm able to learn and gain as much experience as possible.
Next big thing is that the BIG EATING MACHINE (Amos) is gonna leave us to go back to Canada. Another parting.. Haiz.. My friendship with Amos is a rather interesting one. Knew him from church when he came back to serve his National Service. Was feeling bored one night, so out of nothing I called him and asked if he has a bike and fishing rod. We went fishing together and from that they onwards, we are best of pals. Though in the middle of this friendship, there was some misunderstanding and fights. I'm glad that things are now quite well. Coming end of 07, there will be more parting to come. Haiz.. Will surely miss all of them.
Stayed over at Wai's place yesterday. It all happen when we meet up to playing soccer near his place. We played 2 on 2 soccer. Was so shag but shiok. Haven't been playing for 2 weeks. Maria cooked pasta for us. Haha.. Lucky this time there is no raw carrots or tomatoes. After dinner we send Didi Elliot for his chinese class. He looked so cute with the other kids and his teacher. While waiting for him to finish class, we went to have tea and chit chatted. When its time for us to leave, suddenly we just decided why not rent movie and stay over and watch. That's just the beginning of the crazy night. We played this game called Blokus. Quite a fun and interesting game. haha but not gonna explain how it is played. Had so much fun and laughter, laughing at Amos. Haha.. How he claimed to be Tai Dee king when he keeps shuffling the cards. Had so much fun playing with Elliot and Sharona too. Elliot is getting more mischievous, but he is still so adorable. Sharona is growing bigger and prettier. Really enjoyed our fellowship.
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