Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hanging On...

Can you guess what this is?
Scroll to last pix of this post to find out..

Haha.. I can't believe I'm still blogging.. Ok, this won't take long. Just did a face to face interview with Marié Digby. Her name is pronounce as Ma-ree-ay Dig-bee, not Ma-ree. Many people ignore the thunder sign above the letter e. Don't think it is common to many. It's called the acute accent.


Coming 2nd half of 2008 will be a busy and interesting half. Ray's wedding, relaunch of Rediffusion, more press conferences to attend, BKK Trip, Project Timothy, Larkhill, Church Camp Recci and Church Camp. So many things to look forward to. Really pray for good health
and time management.

Had Bible Studies today at Lit and Jas's place. As usual, me and Ben are the first 2, so we get to
play with Jaeden. We were trying to test him on body parts and the sound that different animals make. When we pointed at his tummy, cute Jaeden pondered for a while, and shouted with excitment, "THOMAS THE TRAIN!" Haha.. We got to lift up his shirt to poke his tummy and teach him that it is his tummy. So I guess now he knows where his tummy is.. Tried to take a photo of him, but he kept moving about. So didn't manage to. Ended up showing him Samantha's photo, and he asked, "What is Sammy?" Haha.. So I video call Carlsen and 3G with him and Sammy.

Jaeden busy showing us his planes and buses

Beautiful Samantha (Sammi)


It was Lit's birthday last Sunday.. So Jasmine prepared a belated Birthday Celebration for him with the Wednesday Cellgroup. She baked us a cheese cake. Its super cheesy and yummy. Think from now on, whenever there is someone's birthday, we just trouble Jasmine to use her 500 cakes, cake book to bake yummy cakes for us. (Jasmine, don't get angry when you read this) Haha..


it's a super old microphone in my studio...

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