Thank You Lord for giving us your Son, to die for all of us, and for those who believe, receive forgiveness and salvation. Thank You for Jesus' death and resurrection, that we can now come in full confidence, to receive and enjoy the privileges that we now have. Thank You that we can now call You our Father, we can come in full confidence to honor and worship You and enjoy this relationship that we have in You. Thank You Lord that even after Jesus' resurrection, You did not leave us alone. But You gave us Your word and the Holy Spirit, to help us to mature in You and to be more like Jesus. Thank You for always being there for us, in good times and bad times. Thank You for never letting us go, despite us constantly go after worldly things than You. I just pray that You'll continue to help all of us truly understand what is important and what is not.. What is worth going after. To continue to want to be right with You, to do things that pleases You. I also pray that we will continue to keep focusing and trusting in You, putting You in the center of everything. Pray for our love for You and others to grow. To put others before ourselves, satisfying others need before ours. Amen...
Had a tiring day today.. Don't know why, but my shocking and scary "woman screaming" alarm kinda lost its ability to shock and scare me out of bed. Nowadays I'll just end up waking up late. I think its time to look for more shocking and scary alarm tone.
Today in office, I received a complain phone call from a very angry subscriber. He called and complained that his set has not been working for a month, and he had made arrangement with our side. But till now, no one has gone down to take a look. As a responsible and dedicated worker, I promised him that I'll drop by his residence at 9.30pm, even though I planned to go back to rest.
Left office earlier to run errands. Went down to 1 of the Cantonese Clan to deliver the Lee Tai Sor collectible CD set.. The place was soooo difficult to find LA!! Haha.. I walked for more than 20 minutes before reaching the clan. The clan was located beside a shop selling clothes, along New Bridge Road. Its quite nice to see the old people inside. 4 of them playing Mahjong, another sitting at the counter, expecting me..
After collecting the payment, I headed to Sim Lim Square to buy CD-R and ink cartridges. I've been coming to SLS so often that I can remember where which shop is located. Haha. That really saves me time walking around to look for the shop as most of them looks pretty similar. I was rather angry with 1 of the shop. I was looking for a HP ink, and was walking around comparing prices. There was this shop that offered me $32 for a black ink, when others are offering me $22-$26. That's almost $10 more LA!! Want to earn money also not like that right?!!
After I am done with my errands, I rushed down to Heartland Mall to meet up with Pastor. Had dinner at the Jap/Korean Fushion Restaurant. Can't remember what is the name. After dinner, we met Johnson and Charis. They went there to send Justin for violin lesson.
After dinner, I went straight home to rest. Reached home about 8.30pm.. First thing I did was lied on the floor and stone. Haha.. Think that has become my favourite past time at home. I was so tired and it was so comfortable that I fell asleep. At first I planned to leave house at 9.15pm to cycle to his place. But in the end I woke up at 9.40pm. I quickly got up and change and rush to his place.
When I reached, his wife opened the door for me. She didn't look or sound that fierce.. While trying out the receiver set, her husband, the one who called this morning walked towards me. Haha.. He didn't sound that bad like this morning.. Maybe he is touched by my heart-warm service. Hahaha.. In the end I concluded that the receiver is faulty. Made another promise to him that I'll drop by tmr evening again, with a working set. After everything, we still chatted at the door step for about 10 minutes.. I really hope that everything will be fine when I bring down a new set tomorrow =)